The 4 levels of healing: Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual
Tammy Kohlschmidt

120 East 56th street 12th Floor
Supplemental Training
Periotherapist, Thermography Technician, Body Talk Practitioner, Sound Healing, Zyto, Oligo Scan, RECODE with Apollo Health, Root Cause Protocol
Educational Background
Licensed Dental Hygienist, Thermography Technician, Body Talk Practitioner many other certifications in nutritional and supplements. RECODE with Apollo Health and The Root Cause Protocol with Morley Robbins.
Professional Background
Licensed Dental Hygienist, Thermography Technician, Body Talk Practitioner along with many other certifications on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
My Biomagnetism Story
My experience with Dr. Garcia was phenomenal. The class was amazing and the results that I felt solidified my decision to go further with this practice. I use the magnets on myself, my family and with my patients. The magic of magnets really has been a gift and a go to tool in my daily life.
More About Tammy Kohlschmidt
Tammy believes that health and well being are a reflection of spirit, belief systems, energetic fields, body structure and body chemistry. She has intertwined her intuitive healing abilities and her love for energetic medicine as a Certified Body Talk Practitioner. Thermography has been the assesstment technology that has tracked the inflammatory pathways of the structure and physiology of the body. Healing happens on 4 levels (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual) and Biomagnetism has become a wonderful modality to help on all levels. She has created Empowerment Weekends for Women as well as multiple live classes and online courses such as The 8 Secrets to Optimal Breast Health, Your Body Your Breasts, the Be-U-ty Masterclass and The Ask For More Series: A Year of Transformation, Season by Season.