
Peer-Reviewed Research Articles

  1. Damyanov, Christo, Aleksandar Todorov, and Vladimir Pavlov. “It’s Time to Change the Concept of Cancer Treatment: Some New Perspectives.” International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Research 8, no.6 (July 2021): 6997-7001
  2. Frank, Bryan L. “Biomagnetic Pair Therapy and Typhoid Fever: A Pilot Study.” Medical Acupuncture 29, no. 5  (Oct 2017): 463-73. PMID: 29067141.  


  1. Castejon, Enrique de. Juan Gonzales de. “Efectos biológicos de la terapia del par biomagnético.” PhD diss., Universidad de Alcalá, 2015. English Translation: “Biological Effects of Biomagnetic Pair Therapy.” 

Magazine and Self-Published Articles

  1. Broeringmeyer, Richard. “Principles of Magnetic Therapy.” (1 January 1991). Spanish Translation: “Principios De La Terapia Magnetica.” 
  2. Hilu, Raymond, and Isaac Goiz Duran. “La terapia del Par Biomagnético, sometida a prueba con más de 200 enfermos.” Discovery DSalud 118 (July-Augus 2009). 
  3. Broeringmeyer, Richard. Principles of Magnetic Therapy. Bioenergy Health Bioenergetics, 1991.

Clinical Case Studies

  1. Goiz Martinez, David, and Mario Salina Soto. “Atención de Infeccióndde vias urinarias con par biomagneético.” English Translation: Treating Urinary Tract Infections with Biomagnetism.” 
  2. Goiz Martinez, David, and Mario Salina Soto. “Atención de quiste aracnoideo con par biomagnético.”  English Translation: Treating Arachnoid Cysts with Biomagnetic Pairs.” 
  3. Goiz Martinez, David, and Mario Salina Soto. “Atención de hepatitis tipo ‘C’ con par biomagnético.” 
  4. Segura Puello, Hugo, Santiago de la Rosa Iglésias, and Esther de la Paz y Garcia. “Valoracion diagnóstica, mediante el par biomagnético y kinesiología, en pacientes con cáncer del centro de vacunación contra el cáncer (vacuna autóloga CIMT-54).” 

Research Addressing Magnetic Fields

  1. Gmitrov, Juraj, Chiyoji Ohkubo, and Hideyuki Okano. “Effect of 0.25 T static magnetic field on microcirculation in rabbits.” Bioelectromagnetics 23 no. 3 (April 2002): 224-9. PMID: 11891752. 
  2. Henry. Steven L, Matthew J Concannon, and Gloria J Yee. “The Effect of Magnetic Fields on Wound Healing: Experimental Study and Review of the Literature.” ePlasty 8 (25 July 2008).  PMID: 28475205.
  3. Man D, B Man, H Plasker. “The influence of permanent magnetic field therapy on wound healing in suction lipectomy patients: a double-blind study.” Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 104, no. 7 (December 1999): 2261-6. PMID 11149796. 
  4. Paolucci, Teresa, et al. “Efficacy of extremely low-frequency magnetic field in fibromyalgia pain: A pilot study.” Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development 53, no. 6 (6 November 2016).  
  5. Shang, Wenlong, et al. “Static Magnetic Field accelerates Diabetic Wound Healing by Facilitating Resolution of Inflammation.” Journal of Diabetes Research (2019). PMID: 31886281. 
  6. Szor JK, and R Topp. “Use of magnet therapy to heal an abdominal wound: a case study.” Ostomy Wound Manage 44 no. 5 (May 1998): 24-9. PMID 9697544. 
  7. Tatarov, Ivan, et al. “Effect of Magnetic Fields on Tumor Growth and Viability.” Comparative Medicine 61, no. 4: 339-345. 
  8. Tao, Rongjia, and K. Huang. “Reducing Blood Viscosity with Magnetic Fields.” Physical Review E 84. (July 2011). 
  9. Binhi, V. N., & Rubin, A. B. (2022). Theoretical concepts in magnetobiology after 40 years of research. Cells, 11(2), 274.
  10. Fan, Y., Ji, X., Zhang, L., & Zhang, X. (2023). Life on magnet: Long-term exposure of moderate static magnetic fields improves lifespan and healthspan in naturally aged mice. Antioxidants, 12(1), 108.
  11. Wang, D., Wang, Z., Zhang, L., Li, Z., Tian, X., Fang, J., Lu, Q., & Zhang, X. (2018). Cellular ATP levels are affected by moderate and strong static magnetic fields. Bioelectromagnetics, 39(5), 352–360.
  12. Fan, Y., Ji, X., Zhang, L., & Zhang, X. (2021). Review: The analgesic effects of static magnetic fields. Bioelectromagnetics, 42(2), 115–127.
  13. Zhang, B., Yuan, X., Lv, H., Che, J., & Shang, P. (2022). Biophysical mechanisms underlying the effects of static magnetic fields on biological systems. Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, 173, 5–14. 
  14. Zhang, Y., Zhang, X., & Zhang, X. (2020). Acetaminophen overdose-induced acute liver injury can be alleviated by static magnetic field. Bioelectromagnetics, 41(2), 123–134.
  15. Zhang, Y., Zhang, X., & Zhang, X. (2021). Magnetic fields affect alcoholic liver disease by liver cell oxidative stress and proliferation regulation. Bioelectromagnetics, 42(3), 178–189.

Magnetized Water

  1. Esmaeilnezhad, Ehsan, et al. “Characteristics and applications of magnetized water as a green technology.”  Journal of Cleaner Production 161, no. 12 (10 September 2017): 908-921. 
  2. Simonic, Marjana, and Danijela Urbancl. “Alternating magnetic field influence on scaling in pump diffusers.” Journal of Cleaner Production (13 April 2017). 
  3. Toledo, Evelyn J.L., Teodorico C. Ramalho, and Zuy M. Magriotis. “Influence of magnetic field on physical-chemical properties of the liquid water: Insights from experimental and theoretical models.” Journal of Molecular Structure 888, no. 1-3 (15 October 2008):409-415. 
  4. Zhou, K, et al. “Monte Carlo simulation of liquid water in a magnetic field.” Journal of Applied Physics 88 (2000): 1802-1805. 
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