Peer-Reviewed Research Articles
- Damyanov, Christo, Aleksandar Todorov, and Vladimir Pavlov. “It’s Time to Change the Concept of Cancer Treatment: Some New Perspectives.” International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Research 8, no.6 (July 2021): 6997-7001
- Frank, Bryan L. “Biomagnetic Pair Therapy and Typhoid Fever: A Pilot Study.” Medical Acupuncture 29, no. 5 (Oct 2017): 463-73. PMID: 29067141.
- Castejon, Enrique de. Juan Gonzales de. “Efectos biológicos de la terapia del par biomagnético.” PhD diss., Universidad de Alcalá, 2015. English Translation: “Biological Effects of Biomagnetic Pair Therapy.”
Magazine and Self-Published Articles
- Broeringmeyer, Richard. “Principles of Magnetic Therapy.” (1 January 1991). Spanish Translation: “Principios De La Terapia Magnetica.”
- Hilu, Raymond, and Isaac Goiz Duran. “La terapia del Par Biomagnético, sometida a prueba con más de 200 enfermos.” Discovery DSalud 118 (July-Augus 2009).
- Broeringmeyer, Richard. Principles of Magnetic Therapy. Bioenergy Health Bioenergetics, 1991.
Clinical Case Studies
- Goiz Martinez, David, and Mario Salina Soto. “Atención de Infeccióndde vias urinarias con par biomagneético.” English Translation: Treating Urinary Tract Infections with Biomagnetism.”
- Goiz Martinez, David, and Mario Salina Soto. “Atención de quiste aracnoideo con par biomagnético.” English Translation: Treating Arachnoid Cysts with Biomagnetic Pairs.”
- Goiz Martinez, David, and Mario Salina Soto. “Atención de hepatitis tipo ‘C’ con par biomagnético.”
- Segura Puello, Hugo, Santiago de la Rosa Iglésias, and Esther de la Paz y Garcia. “Valoracion diagnóstica, mediante el par biomagnético y kinesiología, en pacientes con cáncer del centro de vacunación contra el cáncer (vacuna autóloga CIMT-54).”
Research Addressing Magnetic Fields
- Gmitrov, Juraj, Chiyoji Ohkubo, and Hideyuki Okano. “Effect of 0.25 T static magnetic field on microcirculation in rabbits.” Bioelectromagnetics 23 no. 3 (April 2002): 224-9. PMID: 11891752.
- Henry. Steven L, Matthew J Concannon, and Gloria J Yee. “The Effect of Magnetic Fields on Wound Healing: Experimental Study and Review of the Literature.” ePlasty 8 (25 July 2008). PMID: 28475205.
- Man D, B Man, H Plasker. “The influence of permanent magnetic field therapy on wound healing in suction lipectomy patients: a double-blind study.” Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 104, no. 7 (December 1999): 2261-6. PMID 11149796.
- Paolucci, Teresa, et al. “Efficacy of extremely low-frequency magnetic field in fibromyalgia pain: A pilot study.” Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development 53, no. 6 (6 November 2016).
- Shang, Wenlong, et al. “Static Magnetic Field accelerates Diabetic Wound Healing by Facilitating Resolution of Inflammation.” Journal of Diabetes Research (2019). PMID: 31886281.
- Szor JK, and R Topp. “Use of magnet therapy to heal an abdominal wound: a case study.” Ostomy Wound Manage 44 no. 5 (May 1998): 24-9. PMID 9697544.
- Tatarov, Ivan, et al. “Effect of Magnetic Fields on Tumor Growth and Viability.” Comparative Medicine 61, no. 4: 339-345.
- Tao, Rongjia, and K. Huang. “Reducing Blood Viscosity with Magnetic Fields.” Physical Review E 84. (July 2011).
- Binhi, V. N., & Rubin, A. B. (2022). Theoretical concepts in magnetobiology after 40 years of research. Cells, 11(2), 274.
- Fan, Y., Ji, X., Zhang, L., & Zhang, X. (2023). Life on magnet: Long-term exposure of moderate static magnetic fields improves lifespan and healthspan in naturally aged mice. Antioxidants, 12(1), 108.
- Wang, D., Wang, Z., Zhang, L., Li, Z., Tian, X., Fang, J., Lu, Q., & Zhang, X. (2018). Cellular ATP levels are affected by moderate and strong static magnetic fields. Bioelectromagnetics, 39(5), 352–360.
- Fan, Y., Ji, X., Zhang, L., & Zhang, X. (2021). Review: The analgesic effects of static magnetic fields. Bioelectromagnetics, 42(2), 115–127.
- Zhang, B., Yuan, X., Lv, H., Che, J., & Shang, P. (2022). Biophysical mechanisms underlying the effects of static magnetic fields on biological systems. Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, 173, 5–14.
- Zhang, Y., Zhang, X., & Zhang, X. (2020). Acetaminophen overdose-induced acute liver injury can be alleviated by static magnetic field. Bioelectromagnetics, 41(2), 123–134.
- Zhang, Y., Zhang, X., & Zhang, X. (2021). Magnetic fields affect alcoholic liver disease by liver cell oxidative stress and proliferation regulation. Bioelectromagnetics, 42(3), 178–189.
Magnetized Water
- Esmaeilnezhad, Ehsan, et al. “Characteristics and applications of magnetized water as a green technology.” Journal of Cleaner Production 161, no. 12 (10 September 2017): 908-921.
- Simonic, Marjana, and Danijela Urbancl. “Alternating magnetic field influence on scaling in pump diffusers.” Journal of Cleaner Production (13 April 2017).
- Toledo, Evelyn J.L., Teodorico C. Ramalho, and Zuy M. Magriotis. “Influence of magnetic field on physical-chemical properties of the liquid water: Insights from experimental and theoretical models.” Journal of Molecular Structure 888, no. 1-3 (15 October 2008):409-415.
- Zhou, K, et al. “Monte Carlo simulation of liquid water in a magnetic field.” Journal of Applied Physics 88 (2000): 1802-1805.